Verb Agreement Using and

When it comes to subject-verb agreement in English, one of the most common challenges is knowing how to handle sentences that involve the word „and.“ In these cases, it`s important to understand how the verb should agree with the subject(s) and what factors may influence your choices.

Here are some key rules to keep in mind when dealing with verb agreement using „and“:

1. Use a plural verb with two or more subjects joined by „and.“

When two or more subjects are connected by „and,“ they form a plural subject. Therefore, you should use a plural verb to match. For example:

– My dad and my mom love to travel.

– The cats and the dogs are playing in the backyard.

2. Use a singular verb when two subjects joined by „and“ refer to the same person or thing.

If two subjects that are connected by „and“ refer to the same person or thing, you should use a singular verb. For example:

– Peanut butter and jelly is a classic American sandwich.

– The author and illustrator of the book is visiting the library.

3. Consider the proximity of the subjects to the verb.

Sometimes, the placement of the subject(s) and the verb can make a difference in determining the correct agreement. If the subjects are far apart, it can be easier to miss the plural nature of the sentence. For example:

– The team captain, along with his players, are working hard. (Incorrect)

– The team captain, along with his players, is working hard. (Correct)

4. Take note of any intervening phrases or clauses between the subjects and the verb.

Intervening phrases or clauses can also affect subject-verb agreement. If the subject is separated from the verb by a phrase or clause, it`s important to make sure that the verb agrees with the subject. For example:

– The book, as well as the accompanying CD, were a huge success. (Incorrect)

– The book, as well as the accompanying CD, was a huge success. (Correct)

In conclusion, proper subject-verb agreement is crucial in effective English communication. When it comes to sentences using „and,“ remember to use a plural verb with two or more subjects, a singular verb when two subjects refer to the same person or thing, take note of the proximity of the subjects to the verb, and watch out for intervening phrases or clauses. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your writing is grammatically correct and clear.